Change number format based on a cell value in Excel

Number formats based on value (1)

You’ve built an amazing dynamic report; a user selects a business unit to view, and everything updates automatically – it’s beautiful. The only issue is that Company A has sales of $30,000,000, Company B has sales of $30,000. Displaying values in 1 decimal place millions makes sense for Company A. $30,000,000 becomes $30.0m. But it … Read more

How to use Table slicers for advanced interactivity in Excel

Table slicer selections

Having looked at how to use slicers with PIVOTBY and FILTER in a previous post. Let’s take this a step further and discover how we can use Table slicers for more advanced user interactivity. Table of Contents Example Getting the table slicer selections Changing and applying table slicer selections Disconnected slicers Slicer selections LAMBDA Conclusion … Read more

How to make a Dumbbell Dot Plot in Excel (100% dynamic)

Dumbbell dot plots are an excellent chart style for presenting comparative data. These chart styles quickly show the difference or progress between two data points. Often, Excel tutorials for dumbbell dot plots create charts that require manual updating for new data. But using the right Excel techniques these charts can be fully dynamic. So, in … Read more