Calculate quarter from dates in Excel (inc non-standard calendars)

Quarter from date

In many companies, analyzing by quarter is common practice. Unfortunately, when we calculate quarter from dates in Excel, we can make things overly complex. This is especially true when working with financial years that do not align with the calendar year. Or even worse, non-standard calendars (such as 4-5-4 or 4-4-5)! So, in this post, … Read more

Automatic commentary writing formula in Excel – Amazing LAMBDA


For a finance professional in industry, nothing is more annoying than writing the period-end or forecast commentary. (OK, maybe the words “last-minute change to provisions” is more annoying, but the commentary is right up there). You’ve created the reports, found the reasons for the variances, and now you need to write it as a text … Read more

Advanced dynamic array formula techniques (3 methods)

Advanced dynamic array formula techniques

In the final part of this series, we look at a few advanced dynamic array formula techniques. We won’t be covering the individual functions in detail but considering how we can combine them to solve some tricky problems. Many of these techniques have been covered briefly as examples in previous posts, but now we’ll dig deeper. … Read more

How to use dynamic arrays with other features (7 scenarios)

0038 Using dynamic arrays with other Excel features

So far, in this series, we’ve looked at how dynamic arrays work and the new functions that are available to us. Most of our examples have focused on calculations that occur on the worksheet. But we’ve not yet considered how dynamic arrays work with other Excel features, such as charts, data validation, conditional formatting, etc. So, we’re … Read more

RANDARRAY function in Excel (How to + 4 Examples)


The RANDARRAY function makes use of the changes made to Excel’s calculation engine. These changes enable a single formula to spill results into multiple cells. The regular RAND function calculates a single random number, which is greater than or equal to zero and less than 1. The RANDARRAY function calculates a random number in the same way, … Read more