How to use Excel Table within a data validation list (4 easy ways)

Excel Tables expand automatically whenever new data is added. This feature alone makes Tables one of the most powerful tools within the Excel user’s toolkit. A Table can be used as the source data for a chart and within a named range, both of which benefit from the auto-expand feature. Data validation lists would also benefit … Read more

Excel number formats for accounting & finance you NEED to know

Number Formats for accounting and finance

Excel’s default number formats don’t really work for accounting and finance reports. There is no way any accountant in their right mind would use the Accounting format. Instead, we must develop our own custom number formats with the brackets, decimals, and alignment in exactly the right place. So, I want to share with you the … Read more

Spreadsheet Day 2017

Spreadsheet Day 17 October

Happy Spreadsheet Day! What are your feelings about allocating days to celebration or awareness of certain things?  Like International Talk Like a Pirate Day (19th September), Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day (11th March) or Bathtub Day (7th October)?  Well, the 17 October is International Spreadsheet day.  Normally, I would think these days are pointless, but I … Read more

Using Custom Lists in Excel

Using Custom Lists in Excel

Do you ever find yourself typing out the same standard lists over and over again, such as lists of products, cost centers, projects or companies?  I do.  It is essential these lists don’t exclude any items and are presented in the same order each time.  Lists of 4 or 5 things are easy to remember, … Read more