Excel Quick Tips [3]

We’re back for another set of quick Excel tips.  These tips featured on Twitter initially, so there is only a short description with each video, but it is incredible what can be achieved with a small animated image and 280 characters or less.

Quick Excel Tip #21

Insert a line break inside a Custom Number Format with Ctrl + J.

Line break in Custom Number format

Quick Excel Tip #22

Change numbers from positive to negative (or vice versa) by multiplying by -1 with Paste Special. (Please tell me you don’t go through each cell one by one to add/remove the minus signs, that would be crazy).

Flip Number Signage - multiply by -1

Quick Excel Tip #23

Move and Copy is a very slow way to duplicate a sheet – there is just too much clicking involved. The quick way is to hold the Ctrl key, then click and drag the worksheet.

Ctrl + Drag to Copy a Worksheet

Quick Excel Tip #24

Add some pizzaz to your comment boxes by changing their shape.

It will definitely liven up your spreadsheets.

Change Comment Box Shape

Quick Excel Tip #25

Turn a Line Chart into a Step Chart in under 30 seconds:

Values Range: Select all cells except last, press comma, Select all cells
Axis Labels: Select all cells except first, press comma, Select all cells.

Step Chart from Line Chart

Quick Excel Tip #26

Reduce your data entry errors by creating a single use drop-down list to pick from.  Right-click on the cell directly below the existing data and select Pick from Drop-down list…

Single Use Drop Down

Quick Excel Tip #27

The status bar shows information about the selected cells.  Add more measures here to have visibility of key information without needing to write a formula.

Add Quick Calcs to Status Bar

Quick Excel Tip #28

Want to know where your named ranges are?  Just zoom out and Excel will show you.

Zoom Out Named Ranges

Quick Excel Tip #29

Need to get a number as Roman Numerals, but can’t remember the system you learned whilst you were in school?  No worries, just use the ROMAN function within Excel.

Roman Numerals from number

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