Calc Buddy Help

As of July 3rd 2019 Calc Buddy is no longer supported or maintained.

How to install Calc Buddy?


The Add-in has disappeared

Some users may experience the add-in disappearing from the Ribbon.  This is due to a security setting introduced by Microsoft.  To ensure the add-in opens correctly each time follow these instructions:

  • Find the folder where the Calc Buddy Add-in is saved.
  • Right click on the file and select Properties.
  • From the Properties menu, ensure the Unblock box is ticked, then Click OK.
    Calc Buddy Unblock
  • Close Excel and re-open it.  The Add-in should now appear.


Still have issues?

If this page does not answer your question please e-mail me – mark at exceloffthegrid dot com, or use the contact form.
